
Next route : from San Sebastian towards Sabadell nearby Barcelona

April 12, 2017

This Wednesday morning, the weather looks good and I have prepared a flight all over Spain from the Atlantic shores…

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San Sebastian : Europe’s food capital

April 11, 2017

This tuesday is another non flying day with only tourist activities in san sebastian. The climate here is a rather…

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From Ile d’Yeu to San Sebastian

April 11, 2017

This monday was another flying day. Skies were rather clear but i did not have much fuel left. I therefore…

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No flying on Sunday but biking at Ile d’Yeu

April 11, 2017

No flying on Sunday. We planned this journey by alternating days between flying and tourist activities. This makes it more…

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Arrival at Ile d’Yeu and meeting the Peterzelka’s

April 11, 2017

Today, we crossed most of france from the east to the west in excellent weather conditions. It couldn’t be more…

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Next scheduled stop: The French atlantic coast island of YEU

April 8, 2017

Today, we intend to fly to the french island of ile d’yeu after a flight of a couple of hours.…

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Eastern 2017 tour started: first stop Troyes

April 7, 2017

We hurried up after work today, picking up our son at school. The secretary of aéro-sport, nicky, perfectly arranged that…

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Eastern 2017

March 30, 2017

The Outlook For Eastern 2017 Is Great. We’ve Been Putting Plan Together For A VFR Fly Out To Spain. –…

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Early morning flight to Gouzy Sedan in France

March 26, 2017

This weekend, it was a sunny one. All planes in the luxembourg club were booked, but i managed to secure…

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