
Check-list and apps I use for long fly-outs

April 28, 2019

If one leaves on a multiple-day fly-out, one needs to be well prepared. Here’s the list I prepared for the…

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Preparation for Melilla

April 28, 2019

Only a couple of days to go prior that our UPL-AOPA Luxembourg group flying to Melila starts. The trip will…

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Training with Peter Ulenaers – flight to Le Touquet

April 20, 2019

As mentioned in my previous post, I’m speeding up preparations for the UPL-AOPA fly-out to Spanish Melilla in Northern Africa…

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Preparing for Melilla : crosswind exercise

March 31, 2019

We’re preparing for the UPL-AOPA flyout to Melilla scheduled on May 1st, 2019, which I intend to fly with the…

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March 30, 2019

At the beginning of a new flying season, private pilots go for a check-flight with an instructor as the flying…

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2019 from Blogger to WordPress

March 26, 2019

From 2010 till the end of 2017, I have been actively blogging about my experiences as a private pilot, using…

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2018 season start with check-out on Mooney M20J

March 26, 2018

In my Belgian flying club, we have got a Mooney of the type M20J. A beautiful plane, with nice specs.…

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Back to Georgia

February 19, 2018

I was back in Georgia last week, it is a great place for skiing and unknown by most Europeans. No…

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AOPA in Luxembourg

February 19, 2018

My role in general aviation is changing in 2018 as I have been elected to preside the board of AOPA…

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