
Meeting the Georgian State Minister David BAKRADZE (EU and Euro Atlantic integration)

August 5, 2015

August 4th , 2015 In preparation of our visit to Georgia, I got confronted with the fact that you cannot…

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Touch and go on Tbilisi intl airport

August 4, 2015

After we returned from beautiful Batumi, our friends Artem and Mike went for having touch and go’s on Tbilisi intl…

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Batumi, Georgia at the black sea (Adjania province 2)

August 4, 2015

After taking care of landing formalities at Batumi intl. Airport, we headed for the city’s boulevard. This intl airport is…

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Georgian flying: Natakhtari to Batumi at the Black sea coast (Adjania province 1)

August 4, 2015

August 3, 2015 The plan for today was to explore the coastal area of Batumi, in the south eastern part…

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Telavi (Kakheti province) to Natakhtari

August 3, 2015

Aug 2, 2015. Afternoon The airfield of Telavi was absolutely empty…no planes to see. But there’s security and the airfield…

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Cessna 182 flight from Natakhtari airfield in to the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range

August 3, 2015

Aug 2, 2015 We presented ourselves early in the morning at the Natakhtari airfield (Vanilla Sky) and were presented to…

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Georgia here we are

August 3, 2015

August 1, 2015. We landed in the late afternoon at Tblisi airport. The weather was hot, almost 40° celcius is…

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Guest blog entrance on Georgian Caucasus mountain flying (Svaneti region)

August 2, 2015

My fellow travellers Mike Kornev and Artem Kirillow enjoyed the first flight with Vanilla Sky of our exploration tour. They…

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On our way to Tblisi, Georgia, Europe

August 1, 2015

It all started with an article last year in the AOPA magazin about the Vanilla Sky operations north of Tblisi…

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